
For regular cleaning of the town and disposal of garbage 80 nos. of Outsourcing Sweeoer have been engaged. The sanitation work is being supervised by ATD & Designated Zamadar of this NAC. The garbage are being collected door to door in 9 wards & have been transported to the Dumping Yard at Chicher (W. No. 11) by the Tractor daily. Disinfactiants are being sprayed regularly to combat hazardous and contagious diseases.

Street Lighting

In the NAC area street light facilities has been provided by NAC, Khariar through 1452 nos. of LED sopts including 3 nos. of high Mast light and 3 nos of mini high mast light in some of the wards through EESL as per instruction of Govt. in H & UD Deptt., Odisha.
